Ideas for an edible self-portrait:

Idea one 

Title: Soldier Cookies

Key Words: soldiers, war, peace, game, toys, comedy, bitter, sweet, fight, cookie dough, activated charcoal, medicine, cure, salvation, fragility, masochism, sex, tragedy..

Problematics/ Questions: idea maybe to simple and clear, needs supported by presentation. How to present? Toys soldiers too small, need to be enlarged. How big should they be? Should they be 3-D or 2-D? 3-D can be seen as a sculpture/ toy. 2-D would look more as a cookie and has more of a drawing characteristics, which is not necessary bad. This project can be presented on a small platform/ pedestal made out of styrofoam, so to emphasise absurdity and bring more of an art object feel to the cookies. Should it be one soldier on the pedestal or a couple? 


Idea two

Title: Food Drawing/s

Key Words: food, drawing, traces, garbage, mess, dumpster diving, ecology, reusability, repurpose, respect, disrespect, overload, puke, desire, space, personal space, 

Problematics/ Questions: idea very fresh, I'm still not sure how I feel about it. Outcome can look/ feel too emotional, clear and shallow, needs more concept/ content. The project can be presented either on a person as tattoos/ drawings of food or as one whole piece arranged on a plastic sheet on the floor. I think if it's on the floor, it shouldn't be too messy in terms of the drawing. It should be a line drawing of a cartoon looking animal/ creature, but made from combination of food taken from the garbage and nice food from the supermarket. The way the food is chosen, should have a random feel to it. Project is still to open.



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